
On-Site Report from Berlin Exhibition: Huaqi’s Urban Rail Cloud Integrated Platform Unveils China’s First Hydrogen-Powered Smart Intercity Train CINOVA H2
发布时间:2024-09-26 11:05:35 点击次数:27

On September 24, the four-day InnoTrans 2024 opened grandly. At this prestigious event, China’s first hydrogen-powered smart intercity train, CINOVA H2, made its debut, drawing widespread attention from professionals and media alike.

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The CINOVA H2 train, showcased for the first time, features the Huaqi Urban Rail Cloud Integrated Architecture and is equipped with ultra-thin OLED information displays. Customers have noted that, compared to the current passenger information systems on intercity trains, CINOVA H2 represents a significant leap in intelligence and display interface design.

CINOVA H2 consists of four carriages and is equipped with a powerful hydrogen fuel cell system generating up to 960kW. The train boasts the world’s longest range for hydrogen-powered trains, achieving a range of 1,200 kilometers at a speed of 160 km/h and up to 3,000 kilometers at 80 km/h. Moreover, it offers fast hydrogen refueling, taking just 15 minutes to fully refuel. The lightweight design and efficient use of interior space increase the train’s passenger capacity, allowing it to carry over 1,000 passengers.

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Highlight 1: Multifunctional Integration on the Smart Cloud Platform

Not only does the train carry more passengers and offer longer range, but it also features exceptional “smart” capabilities. By leveraging cutting-edge intelligent technology, the train enables full-scene intelligence in daily operations, passenger services, and maintenance. Notably, the Huaqi Urban Rail Cloud Integrated Platform, designed in line with the overall plan and innovative concept of the Fuxing smart train, integrates previously independent functions such as onboard broadcasting, in-train entertainment, and video surveillance into a single cloud-based platform. This breakthrough allows for highly centralized control, deep integration, and enhanced availability of the system.


Highlight 2: Optimized Space and Wireless Passenger Information System (PIS)

In terms of cabin design, the interior space is maximized through miniaturized and integrated equipment. The system adopts a decoupling approach for hardware and a fusion strategy for software, which not only optimizes space utilization but also enhances system flexibility and scalability. The implementation of integrated information design ensures high-level data sharing and extensive development of twin applications. This project also marks a significant step toward the wireless evolution of Huaqi’s onboard PIS system.


Highlight 3: New Equipment Elevating Passenger Experience

The train, equipped with Huaqi’s Urban Rail Cloud Integrated Platform, features ultra-thin OLED displays that combine the functions of passenger compartment TVs and in-train information displays. In different station announcement modes, the corresponding information is displayed accordingly. The OLED displays offer higher clarity, contrast, a wider viewing angle, faster response times, and lower energy consumption.

Additionally, the platform’s video surveillance system can perform intelligent video analysis within the train, including AI detection of left-behind items, passenger evacuation reminders, and abnormal passenger behavior alerts.

Compared to previous trains, CINOVA H2, supported by Huaqi’s Urban Rail Cloud Integrated Platform, delivers an unprecedented rich and dynamic information experience for passengers.

With the successful debut of the hydrogen-powered CINOVA H2 smart intercity train, Huaqi has not only stunned audiences but also received written praise from clients, affirming the hard work and dedication of the Huaqi team. The CINOVA H2 project has garnered dual acclaim on both domestic and international stages, marking a major breakthrough for Huaqi in the intelligent rail transit field.

We firmly believe that with continued technological innovation and service improvements, Huaqi will steadily drive the rail transit industry toward a more intelligent, green, and efficient future.

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